Thursday, September 17, 2015

MINIATURE CALENDAR - miniature figurines by Tatsuya Tanaka

       Since April 20th, 2011 every day Tatsuya Tanaka has been presenting a new photo of miniature figures set with everyday objects looking like something else. His fantasy seems endless and the project has gained many fans far beyond Japan. More than 1000 photos of curious comparisons render people in a playful mood and make them smile. Some of us may remember that similar comparisons have come to our heads, too, right?
Take a shower 
      Tatsuya called his challenging project “Miniature Calendar”. It all started as a way of photographing his collection of diorama dolls but the success of the first photos inspired the photographer to continue.
Fountain. Fantasy miniatures.
Colored Castle 
The artist says that when he is making a scene he is thinking of making it understandable for all kinds of people, disregarding their age or nationality.
Cloudy, fine after
      Tatsuya Tanaka confesses that in his everyday life he is trying to keep almost everything that common people would have thrown away: packages, toilet paper rolls, sticks, tags, empty boxes and so on. You never know what will come of use in a stuff-demanding and long-lasting project like this!
Install. Miniature people figures
Suspension bridge 
Rice planting
What’s for dinner? 
Ferris wheel 
Sleeping bag 
Wake up 
Coffee Brick
Cherry Blossoms 
Dinner Tatsuya Tanaka Miniature Calendar




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